My twitter account has been stolen.
Wednesday, November 6th, 2024
Hey…long time no post whoever is still checking this site after the long, long radio silence. This isn’t going to be an update where I go into all the reasons you haven’t heard from me or Hard-Mode hasn’t updated in a long time…if that post comes it’ll be a different day. All I’ll say is I was hoping to not post anything here until I had some actual content to post, and right now I don’t.
It feels weird to be making this post on today of all days (given current events, my little problems seem pretty minor compared to some of the things going on on the world currently,) but my timing has never been great.
I haven’t been on twitter/X much these last few years, but if you have heard from me in that time, it’s probably when I had some small little thought or greivance to share there. Besides this site, it’s probably my main way of communicating with those that want to hear from me. By just pure chance, I tried to login to twitter on November 2nd, only to find my password wasn’t working. When I tried to recover it, I saw an email associated with the account I didn’t recognize. Going into my nuzlocke comics email (something I hadn’t looked at in a long, long time…) I saw that just a few hours before around midnight, someone had changed the email associated with my account, and apparently my password as well.
Well, it was definitely a wake up call for me with cybersecurity. I’d never really been targeted in such a way (after all, who gives a fuck about me?) so I’d never worried about it much…but I spent the rest of that day adding 2factor authentification to as many of my account as I could think of. But even if I secured my other accounts, I still didn’t have my twitter.
I don’t know if any of you have ever had to deal with twitter support for an issue like this…but it’s not great. I’ve submitted multiple reports only to get automated responses. They tell me if my account has been compromised, then just change the password! Gee, I sure would if I could Elon, but I think the scammer already beat me to that…
I haven’t given up hope yet, but I’m not terribly optimistic about being able to recover the account. So far my attempts to escalate the reports to talk to a real person have been utterly futile, and I’ve never gotten more than the same stock response. I was honestly hesitant to even making this post, because I didn’t want to tip off the scammer that I was working to get the account back, but at this point I don’t know what difference it could make, and hopefully I could point to this post as further evidence of my identity if I can ever progress in my reports with twitter support.
So far it doesn’t seem like the person who stole @nuzlocke has made any posts, and there’s not really any compromising information on the account for them to abuse (I don’t think I’ve ever even DM’d anyone on twittter.) If I had to guess, they just want the handle, either to own themselves or to sell. I know simple handles are kind of desirable on twitter at this point, especially one like mine that represents a minor gaming phenomenon like nuzlocking. Honestly I would guess that like most people, whoever stole my account doesn’t even know about my comics, they probably just know what a nuzlocke is.
Anyway, I just wanted to get this out there if anyone is still checking this page, just in case the scammer decides to start posting as me or something, so that maybe people could become aware that it’s not me running the account. I’m pretty powerless to communicate to you all in any other way I’ve come realize, I really did rely on that account a bit more than I realized.
If I can get this resolved, I’ll make another post here, but if not, you’ll hear from me again when I have something real to post…just maybe not on twitter.
Thanks for everything guys,